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Download links checked: 30th Dec 2000
Base to Base A small desktop accessory calculator (PPC and 68k). Screenshot. |
Base to Base (7.1 KB) |
Calculate Size CMM Plug-in A CMM Plug-in that makes it easy to calculate the total size of the selected items (files and/or folders) (Mac0S 8 and above). Read me file (emailware). Screenshot of results window. |
Calculate size CMM Plug-in (33 KB) |
Calculator II With trigonometric functions, functions for base 10 and natural logorithms and their inverses, hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex conversion, etc. The calculator also allows users to correct trailing digits of values entered on the display of the calculator through the use of a backspace key. A Ticker Tape is also provided to display the results of past calculations (PPC and 68k). Read me file. Screenshot of calculator. |
Calculator II v.1.5 (99 KB) |
EuroCalc A financial calculator to help you convert European currencies into the Euro (PPC only?). Screenshot of main window. Visit homepage for latest updates |
EuroCalc 1.0.1 (544 KB) |
Loan Calc --10th Jan 2001 Loan Calc is intended to calculate Loans payments in a very simple way. Also it generates a full payments list from a start date and calculates total interest. Loan Calc is currency independent so it can be used with Dollars, Francs, Marks, Pounds,...or whatever you like. Just use a dot for decimals. Loan Calc allows you to save all the payments list to a text file or an Excel sheet. Read me (PPC and 68k). Screenshot of Loan Calc in action. Homepage. |
Loan Calc (873 KB) |
PCalc --31st Dec 2000 A programmable scientific calculator with easy to use bin - hex conversion. Read me file (PPC and 68k). Screenshot. Check out the latest version (shareware) here. The new version looks much better and has more capabilities. |
PCalc 1.0.2 (102 KB)
PCalc 2.2.1 (1.1 MB) Shareware! |
RPN Calculator A Reverse Polish Notation Calculator. Screenshot. Homepage. |
RPN Calculator 3.2 (95 K) |
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