Copyright © 1991-94, Joe Cicinelli. All Rights
Version 1.5, 23 May 1994
Documented created with SimpleText v1.0: Font is Helvetica.
This program is FREEware and may not be sold or distributed
without the permission of the author. This application
was developed with Symantec C++ 7.0 so portions of
the product are copyrighted by the Symantec Corporation.
The author, Joe Cicinelli, makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the fitness of the Calculator II application for any particular purpose. Use it at your own risk. The author claims no liability for data loss or other problems caused directly or indirectly by the Calculator II application.
Calculator II is a pleasant looking color multi-function
calculator that runs as an application under system
6.x or System 7. The calculator was written as an
application to be run under MultiFinder or System 7
alongside other applications. It improves on Apple's
original calculator by adding trigonometric functions,
functions for base 10 and natural logorithms and their
inverses, hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex conversion,
a percent increase/decrease key, a memory function
for storing values across uses of the program, and
all of these functions can be invoked by using the
F-Keys on the Apple Extended keyboard (F5 - F15).
The calculator also allows users to correct trailing
digits of values entered on the display of the calculator
through the use of a backspace key. A Ticker Tape
is also provided to display the results of past calculations.
Balloon help and general information about the program
is available under either the Help menu under System
6.x or the Balloon Help menu under System 7. This
software is being distributed as FREEware so give it
a try and let me know what you think!
This version of the calculator contains the following
bug fixes and enhancements:
* Fixed the mechanism for producing error dialogs.
* Added an option in the preferences dialog for showing
the thousands separator on both the display and ticker
tape of the calculator.
* The Ticker Tape now will automatically open when the
program launched if it was left open the last time
the calculator was used!
* Fixed an annoying flash in the help window when opened
from About dialog box.
* Changed the format of the Preferences file (again!).
Throw out your old Calculator II Prefs file before
using this version of the calculator.
* Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of a decimal
separator in a Hex value.
* Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of Hex values
as input to the Hex function.
* Added support for non-U.S. formatted decimal and thousands
place separators (finally!). These characters can
be changed from the Numbers control panel under System
* The calculator now does a better job remembering and
restoring windows on multiple montior systems.
This application has been explicitly tested under Systems 6.0.7, 7.0 (with and without System 7 Tuneup 1.1.1), and 7.1 with the Hardware Enablers. Testing was performed using a IIcx, Classic, Quadra 700, and PowerBooks 165c, 170 and Duo 230. Previous versions have run successfully on LCs and SE/30s.
Calculator Capabilities:
* Trigonometric functions (sin, cosine, tangent, arcsin,
arccos, & arctangent).
* Base 10 and Natural logarithms and their inverse functions.
* Square and Square root functions.
* Conversion from HEX numbers to decimals and vice versa.
NOTE: HEX values cannot exceed the value 0xFFFFFFFF.
* Power and nth root functions.
* Ability to correct trailing digits of values being
entered on the calculator's display.
* Support for complete operation of calculator functions
via the Apple Extended Keyboard (F5 - F15 required).
* Ability to cut, copy and paste to and from the clipboard.
* Balloon help is available for menus, About Dialog
box, calculator keys, and the icon in the Finder.
* General information about the program (Calculator
II ReadMe document) is also available under the Help
menu under Systems 6.0.x or 7.
* Calculator remembers last used position on screen.
* Shift key can be used with function and Clear keys
to execute 2nd functions (e.g. arcsin instead of sin).
When used with the Clear key only the last entry is
cleared and not the entire equation. Likewise, the
shift key can also be used with the mouse to access
the 2nd Functions.
* Calculator II retains the contents of its memory across
uses of the program.
* Calculator is AppleEvent aware of the core suite of
* Through the use of the percent key, it is now possible
to calculate percent increase or decrease. For example,
it is now possible to enter 5 - 3.2% = 4.84! The percent
key can also be used with a number to divide by 100
as in 5% = .05.
* Ticker tape can be displayed by selecting Show Ticker
Tape under the Edit menu to capture a history of performed
calculations. Contents of tape may also be copied
to the clipboard for use in another application.
Keyboard Map for Function Keys:
The function keys that appear on the calculator are
mapped to the Function keys F5 - F15 on the Apple Extended
Keyboard. Here is the correspondence map:
F8=2nd Function
F9=Value of PI
F10=Natural Log
F11=Base 10 Log
F12=Backspace Key
F13=Power function
F14=Square root function
F15=Square function
Shift + F5=arc sin
Shift + F6=arc cosine
Shift + F7=arc tangent
Shift + F9=Factorial function
Shift + F10=Constant e raised to a power.
Shift + F11=Constant 10 reaised to a power.
Shift + F13=Nth Root function
Shift + F14=Cubed Root function
Shift + F15=expression 1 divided by x
Other keys mapped to functions on the calculator:
c, Clear=Clear function***
ESC = (Same as Clear/No Function)***
*, x=Multiplication
X=Memory Enter
R=Memory Recall
M=Memory Add
?=About Dialog box
Delete=Backspace function
Enter=Equal function
` or . = Reverse sign of number on display***
% = Percent increase or decrease.
Shift + Clear or Esc = Clear Last Entry, not just last
Clear + X = Clear Memory.
2nd Decimal separator in any number = reverse sign of
number ***
***Depends upon settings in Preferences Dialog Box.
Future Plans for Calculator II:
* Force Calculator to solve equations using the standard
Hierarchy of Operators.
* Switch to display Statistical, Business, Scientific,
or Programmer functions.
* Option to display negative numbers in red color or
parentheses instead of with leading negative sign.
* Allow for the print and save (TEXT) of the ticker
I can be reached by U.S mail at:
Joseph G. Cicinelli
3752 W. Alameda Road
Glendale, AZ 85310
(602) 581-3865
I can also be reached electronically at:
Andrews, M. (1991). Programmer's Guide to MPW, Volume
1. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Andrews, M. & Rhodes, N. (1992). Programmer's Guide to MPW, Volume 2. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1985-91). Inside Macintosh, vol. I-VI. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1988). Inside Macintosh X-Ref. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1990). ResEdit Reference. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Chernicoff, S. (1985). Macintosh Revealed, Programming With the Toolbox, vol 2. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Company.
Chernicoff, S. (1985). Macintosh Revealed, Unlocking the Toolbox, vol 1. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Company.
Chernicoff, S. (1989). Macintosh Revealed, Mastering the Toolbox, vol 3. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Company.
Chernicoff, S. (1990). Macintosh Revealed, Expanding the Toolbox, vol 4. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ: Hayden Book Company.
Ellis, M. A., & Stroustrup, B. (1990). The Annotated C++ Reference Manual. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Huxham, F. A., Bernard, D., & Takatsuka, J. (1989). Using the Macintosh Toolbox With C. San Francisco, CA: SYBEX Inc.
Kernighan, B. W., & Ritchie, D. M. (1988). The C Programming Language. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Knaster, S. (1988). Macintosh Programming Secrets. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Knaster, S., & Rollin, K. (1992). Macintosh Programming Secrets (2nd Ed). Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Little, G., & Swihart, T. (1991). Programming for System 7. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Mark, D. (1990). Macintosh C Programming Primer, vol 2. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Mark, D., & Reed, C. (1989). Macintosh Programming Primer. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Müldner, T., & Steele, P. W. (1988). C as a Second Language. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Stroustrup, B. (1987). The C++ Programming Language. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Surovell, D. A., Hall, F. M., & Othmer, K. (1992). Programming Quickdraw(TM): Includes Color Quickdraw(TM) and 32-Bit Quickdraw(TM). Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Version History:
Version 1.50 (5/23/94)
* Fixed the mechanism for producing error dialogs.
* Added support for non-U.S. formatted decimal and thousands
place separators (finally!). These characters can
be changed from the Numbers control panel under System
* Added an option in the preferences dialog for showing
the thousands separator on both the display and ticker
tape of the calculator.
* The Ticker Tape now will automatically open when the
program launched if it was left open the last time
the calculator was used!
* Fixed an annoying flash in the help window when opened
from About dialog box.
* Changed the format of the Preferences file (again!).
Throw out your old Calculator II Prefs file before
using this version of the calculator.
* Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of a decimal
separator in a Hex value.
* Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of Hex values
as input to the Hex function.
* The calculator now does a better job remembering and
restoring windows on multiple montior systems.
Version 1.25 (4/20/94)
* Fixed a nasty bug that caused the calculator to crash
when the Ticker Tape window was opened.
* Revised the format of the preferences file to accommodate
future expansion.
Version 1.24 (4/13/94)
* Fixed a error when calculating 0!. It now returns
the correct value of 1 instead of ERROR.
* Fixed a highlighting bug associated with the use of
the enter key.
* Fixed a bug which allowed the user to backspace until
the calculator's display was empty.
* Fixed a scrolling bug in the Help window.
* Calculator now once again remembers its tape window
size as well as position (This feature broke under
version 1.23).
* Added a preference for entering HEX values as lowercase.
* Changed U.S. mailing address.
* Recompiled under Symantec C++ v7.0.
Version 1.23 (8/15/93)
* Fixed a couple of Balloon Help bugs that caused balloons
to appear or not appear at inappropriate times.
* Numbers copied to the clipboard from the calculator's
display no longer contain leading spaces.
* The calculator no longer permits the errant factorial
calculations of negative numbers and 0.
* Fixed a bug using the HEX and DEC keys successively
to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal.
* Changed the creator of the Calculator to 'calc' from
'CALC' to make accessing its bundle more realiable.
* The Calculator now saves its preferences in a Prefs
File rather than inside itself. This will permit future
updates of the program with Updaters like UpdateMaker.
* A new Info item was added to the Help Menu to thank
all the people that have helped to make Calculator
II a success.
Version 1.22 (7/1/93)
* Fixed a bug that crashed the program under system
6.0.x reporting an error of type 31.
Version 1.21 (6/27/93)
* Fixed a bug that crashed the program when the % key
was selected without the tape visible.
Version 1.20 (6/26/93)
* Added a Preferences dialog that allows the user to
choose the reverse sign character and the use of the
ESC key.
*Added Close menu item to File menu to close windows
using the keyboard (Command-W).
*Add a ticker tape to the calculator that can be used
to display past calculations.
* Changed the name of the Help button in About dialog
to Info.
* Now allow user to copy calculator display, help text,
or tape to clipboard.
* Added additional Balloon Help resources for new menu
items and optional keyboard assignments.
* All windows now remember their position across uses
of the program like the calculator face itself.
* Added a button to the bottom of the tape window to
clear tape.
* Fixed Scrollbar anomalies in Info window.
* Removed Clipboard window from application.
Version 1.11 (4/29/93)
* Added Tilde key to reverse the sign of the number
in display area.
* Removed Parenthesis key and replaced it with a % key.
* Added Version History to Help menu.
* Added Balloon Help for Help Button in About Dialog.
Version 1.10 (1/27/93)
* Fixed some clipboard problems.
Version 1.09 (1/7/93)
* Fixed a bug which corrupted entered numbers after
using any one of the memory keys.
* Added a Help button to the About dialog box so users
would realize help was available.
* Replaced some static text items in About dialog with
PICTs to avoid text distortion.
Version 1.08 (9/15/92)
* Fixed a error with displaying the value of PI.
* Fixed a problem entering a value on display after
recalling memory. Number would be improperly added
to recalled value instead of displacing recalled value
on display of calculator.
* Fixed Bug whereby the last entry would be cleared
by holding down the shift key and clicking on the CLEAR
key only. Now this can be done as before and on the
keyboard as well.
* Partially fixed display errors with Calculator II's
internal clipboard.
* Added support for Core AppleEvent 'aevt' and 'quit'.
Version 1.07 (6/7/92)
* Fixed bug that prevented the user entering a second
equation after using Recall Memory as the 2nd operand
to a first equation.
* Fixed Problem with HEX-->DEC-->HEX conversions.
* Fixed a bug backspacing over the decimal point in
the second operand. The program only performed this
operation on the first operand.
* Fixed bugs related to copying to and from the clipboard
to the calculator.
* Fixed bug which prevented trailing decimal point from
being displayed in either operand1 or operand2.
Version 1.06 (2/21/92)
* Fixed problem of calculator appearing outside screen
bounds on small monitors. If this situation occurs,
calculator appears centered on screen.
* Fixed 02/31 system error resulting from opening Color
Graf Port on B/W monitors. The application should
now be B/W compatible.
* The Recall Memory function now works properly. It
used to work only with the 1st operand.
* Added Error dialog prohibiting Calculator II from
running under systems before 6.0.4.
* Fixed problem backspacing over the decimal point in
the display. When the decimal point was deleted, a
flag was not being reset.
* Made it possible to use the shift key in conjunction
with the F-Keys or the mouse ONLY. Use of the shift
key with any of the key on the top row of the keyboard
(e.g. * or + operators) was inadvertantly causing the2nd
Function key indicator to appear on the display.
* Imposed a limit of 1000 on the Factorial function.
Version 1.05 (1/6/92)
* Allowed shift key to be used in conjunction with other
function keys to execute 2nd functions.
* Allowed shift key to be used with Clear key to clear
last entry.
* Modified Calculator II keyboard to include Hex-->Decimal
and Decimal-->Hex conversions up to 0xFFFFFFFF.
* Changed color of memory buttons to blue from gray.
* Prevented entering floating point values to either
HEX or Factorial functions.
* Added ability of Calculator to retain memory across
program invocations.
* Fixed Scientific notation powers of ten from overflowing
off the right edge of display.
* Changed help balloons and Capabilities to reflect
Version 1.04 (12/25/91)
* Added manual to end of balloon help menu.
* Fixed a crashing problem with memory management and
selecting the Show Clipboard command from the Edit
* Fixed a bug using 'x' as times operater.
* Made the DEG key functional so that calculator uses
both degree and radian angles.
Version 1.03 (12/19/91)
* Added balloon help for calculator window and About
Dialog box.
* Fixed Bug #31 which occured under system 6.x. Program
tried to append help menu to balloon help menu not
present under system 6.x.
Version 1.02 (12/14/91)
* Release version
* Added balloon help for menus and the finder icon.
* Fixed a bug concerned with updating the clipboard.
* Fixed a bug related to pasting an empty clipboard.
* Added 'vers' resource to manage version number.
* Added help item to base of Balloon Help menu.
Version 1.01 (12/13/91)
* Added clipboard window.
* Added keyboard equivalents for About..., XM, RM, &
* Repositioned About dialog box for 9" monitors.
* Added ability to paste values into calculator.
Many Thanks!
Jerry Klorman: For the many subtle spelling errors you have caught and called to my attention and the constructive comments you have offered to make the interface better.
Richard Darling: For your kind words of encouragement, colorful printouts, and new feature suggestions. Hope the percent key helps!
Warren Hensel: Nothing can replace lifetime friendship and the encouragement you have offered over the years.
Philippe Casgrain & Eric Holdrinet for their foreign language (French) and keyboard testing.
To everybody that has sent in a shareware payment as a form of encouragement even though one was not required. You are the people that make the shareware vision work!
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters