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AOLpress 2.0 AOLpress is an integrated browsing and WYSIWYG authoring tool for the World Wide Web. AOLpress was designed both to make WWW authoring more accessible to beginners and to save valuable time and effort for professional Web publishers. |
Download (4.5 MB) (server allows only two login at a time) |
Arachnid A WYSIWYG HTML editor that is still "very beta". Read me file. Screenshot. |
Arachnid 1.6b (2.8 MB) |
BBEdit FTP 2.0.1 A plug-in that turns your BBEdit Lite into a FTP tool for uploading and downloading files (PPC and 68k). Read me file. Also available here |
BBEdit FTP 2.0.1 (60 K) |
BBEdit HTML extensions This archive contains a set of 16 BBEdit extensions to help in the creation of HTML documents using the BBEdit or BBEdit Lite text editors. |
Download (252 K) |
BBEdit Lite 4.6 A lite version of BBEdit, a fast text editor capable of opening any text files |
Download |
BBTidy A BBEdit (and BBEdit Lite) plugin designed to check and correct HTML and XML source. Read me file (PPC and 68k). Screenshot. |
BBTidy 1.0b1 (543 KB) |
Cascade Light A stand-alone CSS editor for Mac to define any style setting that can be expressed with Cascading Style Sheets, a style sheet standard from the W3C developed specifically for the web. Cascade Light is the free edition of Cascade. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can set fonts, colors, white space and other layout aspects of an HTML page or XML document in an efficient and flexible manner. Screenshot. Homepage. For MacOS 8.6 or earlier. You can find the link to a good Cascade Style Sheets tutorial here. |
Cascade Light (1.4 MB) |
Emile Lite The first XML editor for Macintosh. Emile is used to author documents using extensible markup. Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows the use of custom elements in addition to or in place of HTML tags, and provides many other features for better content management. Emile provides menus and dialogs for efficient XML markup. The editor automatically adapts to the current document type (DTD) and is context-sensitive to facilitate correct markup. Screenshot. Homepage. Download this update too. MacOS 8.6 or earlier. Learn all about XML here. |
Emile Lite (1.7 MB) |
Frontier Makes it easy to keep complicated HTML out of the way of writers, and gives you, the site builder, all the tools you need to manage the site. When the designers want to change the template for the site, just plug in the new design and rebuild the site (PPC and 68k). More info is available here (also remember to patch a security hole with this patch) |
Download (3.4 MB) Read me file |
GIFBuilder 0.5 A freeware to build gif animations (PPC and 68k). Read me file |
Download (283 K) |
HotMedia The IBM HotMedia assembly tool takes multiple images and other media types and assembles them into a HotMedia file. The HotMedia assembly tool does not replace content-creation tools. It takes existing media and concatenates them into a HotMedia file. This HotMedia file can then be played on a Web page with the supplied Java players. You can create panoramas, thumbnails, animation (with sound), etc. Very simple to use, and the version 3.5 is a faster, and more stable. Screenshot. Homepage (registration required before downloading). |
HotMedia 3.5 |
HoTMetal A freeware version of HoTMetal, a HTML editor suitable for beginners |
Download (68K version)
Download (PPC version) |
HTML Converter HTML Converter is a free utility for converting special characters to corresponding HTML character codes in HTML files. These character codes are required by web browsers for displaying special characters correctly. Using the application is very easy. Just drop a HTML file containg special characters onto HTML Converter. The special characters will be replaced with the HTML character codes. The process takes a few seconds at most. You can also drop whole folder of HTML files onto application's icon to convert many HTML files. HTML Converter can also convert whole folders at once, too. Just drop the folder onto application's icon to convert all of the HTML files inside it. Read me file (PPC and 68k). Homepage. |
HTML Converter 1.0.2 (805 KB) |
HTML Viewer HTML Viewer is a simple hypertext viewer, or "browser". It is ideal for reading HTML files that you have downloaded. It runs on less than 500 KB on board memory (why start up Netscape or Explorer just to read a simple HTML file). It has great support for gifs and jpgs but none for tables. HTML files with tables will be displayed automatically in a transposed format. Read me file. Screenshot. |
HTML Viewer 1.2.2 (209 KB) |
Learning HTML Learn HTML now and make your own webpage |
Download |
Learning JavaScript Learn JavaScript now and add more funtionality to your webpage |
Download |
Live Picture Viewer 3.2 Based on the VRML 2.0 specification, and adds an extension to VRML 2.0 for describing photographic panoramic images for backgrounds (PPC only). As an internet browser plug-in or standalone viewer. Visit homepage for more information |
Download (1.4 MB) |
MacTidy A Mac OS application designed to check and correct HTML and XML source. Read me file. Screenshot. |
MacTidy 1.0b7< (465 KB) |
Metagenerator Help batch edit and organise html meta tags (FAT, both PPC and 68k). Read me file |
Download (905 K) |
Netscape The popular internet browser for the Macintosh with email client and a WYSIWYG webpage maker |
Choose the version of choice |
Networkz A freeware application which will automatically batch download and upload files to servers on the internet or intranet. Read me file. Screenshot (v1.1). Homepage for more information. Last non-beta release is v. 1.1 (3.3 MB). |
Networkz 2.0b2 or latest (2.8 MB) |
NuEdit 1.5 A slick text editor with a colour tool bar, and a HTML export option (PPC and 68k). Screenshot of main window |
NuEdit 1.5 (264 K) |
Page Thing An applescript application to make webpage photo indexing, just a few mouse clicks worth. Latest: now updated to a full application. Check out the screenshot. Read me file (charity ware). Homepage . |
Page Thing 2 (557 KB) |
PhotoPage Enables you to put a collection of images quickly onto the Web. It allows you to enter descriptions for each picture, and it creates the HTML file for you. It also creates thumbnails and all the necessary links. You can use PhotoPage to make online photo albums or galleries. Visit homepage more info and latest updates |
PhotoPage 1.2 (1.9 MB) |
PushPad PushPad is a simple way to organize your web site into a cool customizable console. It's for those of you who dabble in html and can create simple gifs. Think of it as a "think different" webpage template or shell. Read me file. Screenshot of one of the templates available. Go to the homepage to check out PushPad in action, or download some of the gifs and skins available. |
PushPad 1.0 (330 KB) |
RealProducer G2 6.1 Novice and professional Web developers can use the RealProducer G2 Authoring Kit to create synchronized presentations that integrate audio, video, text, animation, and images (PPC, MacOS 8.1 and above). Go here to register for this great addition to your web authoring tools. Or go to the homepage. Read me file |
Download (registration) (4.6 MB) |
StripCam A MacOS utility for periodically accepting an image from a camera source, compressing it to a JPEG image, and uploading it to an FTP server, or saving the file locally. The utility is written as a control strip module, so its controls and a tiny preview image are always accessible.Read me file. Homepage. |
StripCam 1.0 (77 KB) |
TextToHTML 1.3.4 An amazingly simple and elegant tool to convert text and RTF files to HTML format for use on the World Wide Web, a drag-and-drop application that supports both plain-text and RTF files (68k and PPC, OS 7.5 and later) |
Download (1.4 MB) Read me file |
WebPainter An older version but still great web graphic tools with eay to use paint tools, tracings, and export ability to many different formats including gif animations, quicktime sprite movies etc. If you ever wished to try make your own gif animations, use this. If you like this, buy the latest version. Screenshot. This great offer is also bundled with the .net magazine's CD. For serial number, while pressing the option key, type COMP |
WebPainter 1.0.1 (3.8 MB) |
Website Wizard 6 easy steps to make a webpage. Screenshot (Step1, Step4, Step5). Visit homepage. |
Website Wizard 1.0 (407 KB) |
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