Trash Cans! 1.5 Freeware trash can changing extensions by Kevin Dixon © 1999 Kevin Dixon

Instructions for Use: It's quite simple to change your trash can's icon now that Trash Cans! comes in installer form. If you are a first time user of Trash Cans!, then just double click "Install/Remove Trash Cans!". Once the Installer has loaded, choose a Trash can to install. You can see what the empty trash can looks like by clicking on the Info button (a small button to the right with an I on it) next to each trash can. Click "Install".

If you have previously downloaded Trash Cans! 1.0, avalible only on our website, then you should disable all of the old versions of trash cans, by using the methods descibed in the Read Me that came with Trash Cans! 1.0, before you install the new ones.

Notes: If you have questions, comments, or anything else that has to do with Trash Cans! then send an e-mail to this address:

If you decide you have a favortie trash can, let us know by e-mailing us at

If you happen to want to send a little money my way, just e-mail me at the address below and I can give you a mailing address.

Legal Info: All of the trash cans included in Trash Cans! 1.5 are Copyright © 1999 by Kevin Dixon. You may give out the Installer to anyone, not the individual extensions, provided this text file is with it. If you wish to distribute these trash cans on some sort of media (CD-ROM, floppy disk, etc...) please ask me first by e-mailing me at the e-mail address below. You may not sell this software, call it your own, or put it on a disk or other media that is for sale without my consent.

The installer included with Trash Cans! 1.5 was built with MindVision Software's Installer VISE. MindVision Software 7201 N.7th Street Lincoln, NE 68521 (402) 477-3269

Contacting KCD Creations: E-mail:

Web Pages:

Homepage: New (not finished yet): Old (finished, of course):

Products page: New (not finished yet): Old:

Written 6/25/99 by Kevin Dixon with SimpleText running on a Quadra 630 w/Mac OS 7.6.1