Iconizer Pro 1.3.3 Useršs Manual
Written by Narattaphol Charoenphandu
This software is a freeware but it needs registration (See Registration part
below). Your comment and suggestion are welcome.
Iconizer Pro is an application developed for generating a set of 32 bit (16
millions, full colors) icons from any pictures. This feature is normally used
for creating a background of CD, folder or other container windows. The
output icons can also be viewed on any Mac OS but Mac OS 8.5 or higher
is required to view 32 bit color.
System Requirements
Computer :
-An Apple Macintosh or Mac OS-compatible computer with fast PowerPC
Processor, and a hard disk with at least 2 MB free space.
-Monitor must be set to Millions of Colors, unless you cannot view 32 bit
icons, including 32 bit icon of Iconizer Pro application (You should see red
yellow, and magenta color in the icon of Iconizer Pro application.).
RAM Requirement :
At least 5 MB free RAM with Virtual Memory on (6 MB free with Virtual
Memory off) for managing picture with as large as 300 icons (640x480 pixel). If the engine cannot run, please increase free memory from the applicationšs Get Info window.
Software Requirements :
-System 8.6 or later. (Mac OS 9.0 recommended)
-QuickTime 4.0 or later
-Fonts Times New Roman, Charcoal and Geneva