Revision: V2.0
Author: Martin Blitz
Date: 14-Jan-1996
The "Wish I were..." control panel provides
a method for a system to identify its
hardware as another hardware type, via the Gestalt
"mach" selector.
The reason for creating this control panel was to assist
individuals who install
clock chippers, especially to Power Macs. Some applications
(for example MachTen)
use the response from the Gestalt "mach"
selector to determine a Macintosh's hardware
type, and thus perform run-time configuration. Clock
chipped machines may respond
with a value that does not correspond to an existing
machine (for example, a clock
chipped PowerMac 6100 response as a 6100/80), and some
applications may be confused.
This utility can be used to force Gestalt to respond
with an acceptable value,
and thus the application will function correctly.
Drop the "Wish I Were..." control panel and
" Wish I were..." extension
into the System Folder, open the control panel, select
the machine you want to
be, and restart.
Terms and conditions:
This control panel is FreeWare. It may be freely distributed
(with this README file),
except as stated below. It would be nice to know the
extent to which this control
panel propagates, so I would appreciate EMAIL or a
postcard, a free vacation, a car, etc.
It's not required, but it would be nice.
o This control panel cannot be charged for or redistributed
as part of a commercial
product without permission from the author.
o It may be included in Shareware/Freeware collections,
and distributed as such.
I would appreciate copy of such distributions, such
as CDROMs.
Author's address:
Snail Mail:
Martin Blitz
37 Calumet Ave.
Worcester, MA 01606
Revision history:
V1.0, 27-Feb-1995, Martin Blitz
- Original release
V1.1, 9-Mar-1995, Martin Blitz
- Fixed a typo which prevented proper initialization.
V2.0, 14-Jan-1996, Martin Blitz
- Changed name from "Who am I?" to "Wish
I were..."
- Split from one control panel to a seperate control
panel and extension
- Store gestalt information in preference file
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