What is StevePerfect and why would you ever use it?
This is the first online public release of StevePerfect.
The previous versions were too useless to bother with
downloading. The purpose of StevePerfect is to have
a simple typing interface that is slightly more useful
than Apple's Simpletext. It also supports the latest
Macintosh advances that Apple has yet to include with
What does StevePerfect do?
StevePerfect supports the basic typing features: Font,
Style, Size, Search, Save, Open, and Find. It also
includes some new features such as quick button links
to Sherlock 2 and your default web browser (only supported
in MacOS 9). StevePerfect is completely balloon help
compatible and also features a help system. It also
uses Apple's new Open/Save windows otherwise known
as navigation services. StevePerfect is completely
worldscript savvy so you can type in whatever language
you prefer. It also now features printing and mp3/quicktime
What are the requirements?
You need at least:
System 7.5.5
7 megs of free memory (with or without virtual memory)
1500k of hard disk space
Screen Resolution of 800 X 600 (iBook size)
Quicktime 4.1 (for music support)
For some features you need at least:
Internet Config (Installed on MacOS 8 and above by default)
Internet Connection
PowerPC processor (For playing MP3 files while you work)
Mac OS 9
Sherlock 2
Web Browser
Navigation Services library (MacOS 8.1 or higher)
StevePerfect has been tested on MacOS 8.5 and above. As always, use StevePerfect at your own risk.
What do you have planned for the future?
Streaming Audio/Video support so you can watch TV or
listen to the radio while you work (not that I'm saying
that will increase productivity).
Find and replace instead of just find.
Tab support.
Close option from the menus.
More size options.
Text-to-speech capabilities so you can have a corny
computer voice read your document.
Play lists for the MP3 music files so you don't have
to put a file called "Music" in the StevePerfect
Decrease in the RAM requirements for the program.
MacOS X support (sometime after it is released of course).
Better style icons then just letters.
Better printing support.
Yes, this all sounds very ambitious, but this program has come a long way in very little time, so you may see some of these features soon. I take requests from users so send in those e-mails!
Are there any limitations?
StevePerfect currently doesn't support it's own filetype.
As of now if you double click on a StevePerfect saved
document the MacOS will ask you to choose an application
to open it. This is set up so that you could choose
to have StevePerfect documents open in other applications
very easily. To open a saved StevePerfect document
open StevePerfect first and then click the open button
on the left side of the main window or select "open"
from the file menu.
Q. My StevePerfect keeps running out of memory and quiting.
What gives?
A. In the finder click once on the StevePerfect icon.
In MacOS 8.5 and above click the general information
tab and select memory. In all other MacOS versions
skip that step. Click on the suggested memory box
and increase the memory by a meg or so. That should
fix it.
Q. When I do print from the file menu only the cancel
button prints anyway? What gives again?
A. I'm working on that one. It is basically the only
bug in StevePerfect. To avoid that problem use the
print button in the document window.
Q. My computer says this is not a valid .exe file.
Where's the love?
A. This program only works on a Macintosh. Do not
open it in Windows. Case closed.
Anything else?
As always use StevePerfect at your own risk. I don't
guarantee anything nor do I plan to anytime in the
future. I hope it provides you with a simple editor
that leaves off where Apple did a couple of years ago.
You may use StevePerfect free of charge. All I ask
is if you find it at all useful you drop me a line
via e-mail and let me know. If you think it is terrible
I wouldn't mind "constructive" criticism
either (I think we all learned that phrase in the 3rd
grade). Also, I currently don't have enough money
to produce a Windows version so don't plan to see one
anytime soon. I have tested a few Windows builds but
I don't have enough money to buy a compiler for Windows.
Also the Windows version I made lacked many of the
useful features that are included with the Mac version.
So if you really want to see a Windows version send
me an e-mail and enough federal reserve notes to do
the job.
Also, the bar on the left of the window uses the new Mac OS X Aqua style buttons that I found on ResExcellence. I did this because I think the icons Apple made are very straight forward and will provide the user with an easy to use interface. Unfortunately I have noticed that Apple is very protective over the new Aqua interface. If the buttons in StevePerfect are in any way violating any copyrights at Apple, or someone at Apple actually cares about StevePerfect (now that would be the shocker of the century) then please let me know and I will remove the icons from the StevePerfect application and create some boring ones myself. Also the main application icon was taking from a set of NeXT icons I found on the internet at one point, but I don't remember who made them. So if you made any of the icons included with my software please let me know and I'll put you in the credits or take them out of the program if you really care.
So who is Steve?
I am a first year student at The University of California,
Davis. While I am far from perfect, I hope this application
is closer to it. This application was made with on
a Powerbook G3 333mhz. It also provided me a great
distraction from my French homework. If you have questions
about the software please e-mail me at
For the printing code I would like to thank Matt Neuburg.
Not only did he write most of the code for the printing
but he also wrote a wonderful guide to programming.
Without it this document would never be printed in
our lifetime!
StevePerfect 3.1 is copyright 1999-2000. All rights are reserved. Use at your own risk.
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters