iMac's Text Editor

iText 2.0.1

1. About iText
iText is simple Text Editor which fit in iMac. Writing, editing, printing, saving, can keep the text document with the style which contains a Kanji letters.
A font, size, style, character color can be set up in every one character by the text document with the style. Furthermore, editing by the page layout with columns, it show the paper image, and it can insert the picture image. iText is available with all Macintosh widely from programming to the writing of English document.
iText is Freeware.

1.1. iText Features
The concept of iMac "speedy, cool, simple machine" is realize by the software!
The big text document of 32KB and more (So far as a memory permits it.) can be edited.
More then one style, character color can be set up in the text document.
A PICT image can insert as a picture character.
It copes with TSM (Text Services Manager) inline input.
It copes with drag & drops.
Undo, Redo is being supported about the all editing operation.
Ruler can be indicated in the document window.
Indication, editing by the paper image can be done.
Indication, editing by the vertical writing can be done. (Show Magical View)
The page layout with columns can be set up.
SimpleText read-only document can open.
Mac OS 8.5 New Open/Save Dialog is available.
Because it is being made with FAT Binary, it can be used with all PPC, 68K Macintosh.
iText is Freeware.

1.2. iText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS from System 7.1 to Mac OS 8.X.
When you use new Open/Save Dialog (Navigation services) under Mac OS 8.1.
Put Navigation in Extensions of System Folder or iText Folder.

1.3. About LightWayText
iText is being made only a basic editing function from "LightWayText" of
the powerful text editor.
LightWayText is the powerful text editor which contain many convenient
functions necessary for the document creation.
If you could like iText, please try out LightWayText by all means once.
LightWayText URL is

2. Document Window

2.1. Show Ruler
A Ruler bar is indicated at the top of the document window.
When a mouse clicks on mark, Ruler unit menu is indicated.
When a mouse drag has mark, left margin, right margin, the number of
characters on one line is changed.

2.2. Show Info Area
information such as a line, column, page number is indicated on the bottom
left of the document window.
mark is indicated when the contents of the document are changed.
The part of does the indication of the line, column
number of the present editing cursor position and the indication of a page
number to indicate a paper image and editing operation by mouse clicking.

"L: C:" part double click Show Go To Line Dialog
Option key + "L: C:" part click Cursor move to last of lines
Option + Shift key + "L: C:" part click Cursor move to first of lines
Command key + "L: C:" part click Show Go To Line Dialog
"P:" part click Move to next page
Shift key + "P:" part click Move to previous page
Option key + "P:" part click Move to last of pages
Option + Shift key + "P:" part click Move to first of pages
Command key + "P:" part click Show Go To Page Dialog

2.3. Special Operation
When it clicks with the Command key on the top of the document name of
the document window title bar. Popup menu is indicated. that file position on
the disk and chooses a copy to the clipboard of the full path name.
When it click with the Option key on close box of document window.
All document window are closed.

3. Menus and Dialogs
3.1. File Menu

New A document window is made newly.
Open... A text document is opened with Open Dialog.
Close A document window is closed.
Save The contents of the document window is saved.
Save As... The contents of the document window is saved with
Save Dialog with another name.
Revert to Saved A document window is returned to the contents that it
was saved at the end.
Page Setup... Page setup Dialog of the printer is indicated.
Print... The contents of the document window are printed.
Quit Application is finished.

3.2. Edit Menu

Undo Cancellation, starting over again does the last editing
Cut A selection range is removed and sent to the clipboard.
Copy A selection range is sent to the clipboard.
Paste A selection range is moved with contents of the clipboard.
Clear A selection range is removed.
Select All All the character of the document window are chosen.
Preferences... Preferences Dialog is indicated.
Show Clipboard A clipboard window is indicated.

3.2.1 Preferences Dialog
The initialization information of application is edited.

Color Variation iMac color variation is set up.
Startup First time doing of start of application is set up.
Units The unit of numerical value by Page Layout is set up.
Ruler The unit of ruler when a document was opened is set up.
Justify Character justify of the new document is set up.
J-Wrap (Japanese script font only) Japanese word wrap is set up.
Font The font name of the new document is set up.
Size The font size of the new document is set up.
Tabs The tab width by the number of characters of the new
document is set up.
Line The line interval by the points number of the new
document is set up.
Show Ruler , Show Info Area
The condition of the document window when a document
was opened is set up.
Show Invisibles, Show Line Turn, Show Page Guides, Show Paper Image
Condition within the window of the new document is setup.
Smart Word Edit It is set up by the cut, paste, delete, drag & drops
operation to make the adjustment of the space between
the English words.
Wordwrap ON/OFF of wordwrap of the new document is set up.

3.3. Find Menu

Find/Replace... Find/Replace Dialog is indicated.
Find Next Search with the find string set up.
Shift key pushed, search in the backward direction.
Find Selection Search with the selection range in the document.
Shift key pushed, search in the backward direction.
Enter Find String A selection range is set up as a find string.
Replace A selection range is replaced for the replace string.
Replace & Find Next After replace is carried out, find next is carried out.
Shift key pushed, search in the backward direction.
Replace All All character of the document is replaced.
Line... Go to Line Dialog is indicated.
Page... Go to Page Dialog is indicated.
Mark... Mark Dialog is indicated.

3.3.1. Find/Replace Dialog
The contents of the Find, Replace is set up, and it is looked up.

Find String Find string is set up.
Repl String Replace string is set up.
Click The one's personal history of find, replace is indicated.
And, the input of the return code, tab code is done.
Ignore J-Roman letters (Japanese script font only)
Japanese 2 byte roman, 1 byte roman letters is set up
whether it is equated, or it is distinguished.
Ignore J-Kana letters (Japanese script font only)
Japanese hiragana, japanese katakana letters is set up
whether it is equated, or it is distinguished.
Ignore Upper/Lower case
A upper case, lower case (capital letter, small letter)
is set up whether it is equated, or it is distinguished.
Find Backwards It is set up whether it is search in backward direction.
Show Find Palette It is set up whether Find Palette is indicated, after find.
Don't Find The contents of the find, replace is set up only, don't
Find Find is executed.
Shift key pushed, search in the backward direction.

3.3.2. Find Palette

A Find Palette is indicated after the Find when it checks "Show Find Palette"
with Find/Replace Dialog.
Find, Replace operation is done by pushing the button of the palette.
Shift key pushed, search in the backward direction.

3.3.3. Line Dialog

The line number which moves an editing cursor is inputted.

3.3.4. Page Dialog

The page number it wants it indicated is inputted.

3.3.5. Mark Dialog

A mark name is given to the position to specify the inside of the document,
and it registers by Add button is pushed.
A registered mark name is indicated under the Find menu.
When a mark name is chosen from the Find menu, it is moved to the position
corresponding to the mark name.
When a mark name is removed, a mark name list of Mark Dialog is chosen,
and Delete button is pushed.

3.4. Font, Size, Style Menu

A text attribute (font, size, style, color) is set up in the character of the
selection range.

3.4.1. Font Size Dialog

Font size is set up in the character of the selection range.

3.5. Format Menu

Format Menu is a faces in the document window that it is edited at present,
it set up a form.
Show Ruler A ruler bar is indicated at the top of document window.
Show Info Area A line, column, page number and so on is indicated on the
bottom left of the document window.
Show Invisibles A control code such as a return code,tab code is indicated.
Show Line Turn It returns in the line width set up by the page layout.
Show Page Guides The Guide line of the page is indicated.
Show Paper Image It is indicated width the paper image in the page unit.
Show Magical View The vertical writing view is indicated.
Document... Document Dialog is indicated.
Page Layout... Page Layout Dialog is indicated.
Header... Header Dialog is indicated.
Footer... Footer Dialog is indicated.

3.5.1. Document Dialog

Justify Left, center, right, both ends justified is set up in the
whole of the document.
Justified is adjust space between words for both ends.
J-Wrap (Japanese script font only) Japanese word wrap is set up.
Dangle is hangs line's end, Expel is sends next line's top.
Font The standard font name of the document is set up.
Size The standard font size of the document is set up.
Tabs The tab width of the document is specified by the number
of the characters. The character size of the tab width is
size of the standard font name and the standard font size.
Line The whole line internal of the document is specified by
the number of points.
Wordwrap The whole Word wrap of the document is set up.
Font Size is an effect on All
When it is checked, font and size of all characters of the
document are changed to the standard font name and the
standard font size. If it isn't checked, a font and size of
the document aren't changed.
Count The document information of the whole document is
Under the condition that a character of the document is
chosen, the document information of the selection range
is indicated.

3.5.2. Page Layout Dialog

Page Layout is set up the page size, the margins, the column form of the
document window about the form size specified by Page Setup Dialog.

Margin Number of unit is Preferences Dialog's Units setting.
Top A top margin is set up for paper image.
Bottom A bottom margin is set up for paper image.
Left A left margin is set up for paper image.
Right A right margin is set up for paper image.

Column A column form for paper image
Number A number of column within the page is set up.
Space The interval of columns to have it more than it is put together
two column is set up.
Width The width within the column is indicated.

Page Information is indicated.
Width The Width within the page is indicated.
Height The Height within the page is indicated.
C / Line Line width is indicated by the number of characters of the
standard font name and standard font size.
L / Page Page height is indicated by the number of lines of the standard
font name and standard font size and line space points.

3.5.3. Header (Footer) Dialog

The string, style of Header (Footer) is setup.

Height Height to indicate in the up-down space of paper image
String The string of the a header is indicated is set up.
Stamp A stamp menu to insert into header string is indicated.
Date A date stamp is inserted. It is indicated as <DATE>
Time A time stamp is inserted. It is indicated as <TIME>
Page # A page number stamp inserted. It is indicated as <PAGE>
Total Page # Total page number stamp inserted. indicated as <PMAX>
Document Name A document name stamp inserted. indicated as <NAME>
Date Type The form of the date stamp is specified.
H.yy/mm/dd is an era of japan "HEISEI".
Date Format 1-3 is Control Panels "Date & Time" setting.
Time Type The form of the time stamp is specified.
Time Format 1-2 is Control Panels "Date & Time" setting.
Header Style Font, Size, Style, Color, Justify of the header is set up.

3.6. Window Menu

Tile All windows are arranged not to pile up, it is indicated.
Shift key is pushed, it is arranged in a vertical one line.
Stack All windows are arranged to piled up, it is indicated.
Zoom Window of the extreme front is in the screen fullness.
Switch Window of the extreme front is changed to the next.
Shift key is pushed, it is changed to the previous window.
Window Name A document window is chosen, and active.

4. Key Operation
Menu Key, Control Key, Allow Key is specified to editing operation.

4.1. Menu Key
Command key +
N A document window is made newly.
O A text document is opened with Open Dialog.
W A document window is closed.
S The contents of the document window is saved.
P The contents of the document window are printed.
Q Application is finished.
Z Undo / Redo does the last editing operation
X A selection range is removed and sent to the clipboard.
C A selection range is sent to the clipboard.
V A selection range is moved with contents of the clipboard
A All the character of the document window are chosen.
F Find/Replace Dialog is indicated.
G Search with the find string set up.
Shift key + G Search in the backward direction.
H Search with the selection range in the document.
Shift key + H Search in the backward direction.
E A selection range is set up as a find string.
= A selection range is replaced for the replace string.
R After replace is carried out, find next is carried out.
Shift key + R Search in the backward direction.
, Go to Line Dialog is indicated.
M Mark Dialog is indicated.
T Plain character style is set up.
B Bold character style is set up.
I Italic character style is set up.
U Underline character style is set up.
Y Document Dialog is indicated.
/ Window of the extreme front is in the screen fullness.
` Window of the extreme front is changed to the next.
Shift key + ` It is changed to the previous window.
1 - 9 A document window is chosen, and active.

4.2. Control Key
Control key +
S Cursor, to the one-character left.
D Cursor, to the one-character right.
A Cursor, to the left of 1 word.
F Cursor, to the right of 1 word.
E Cursor, to the one line up.
X Cursor, to the one line down.
R Cursor, to the one page up.
C Cursor, to the one page down.
W A one line scroll up.
Z A one line scroll down.
Q S Cursor, to the left of the line.
Q D Cursor, to the right of the line.
Q R Cursor, to the top of the lines.
Q C Cursor, to the bottom of the lines.
M A return code is inserted.
I A tab code is inserted.
H One character on left of the cursor position is removed.
G One character on right of the cursor position is removed.
J Left 1 word of the cursor position is removed.
T Right 1 word of the cursor position is removed.
U the cursor position to the line head is removed.
K the cursor position until the end of the line is removed.
Y One line is removed.
L Characters which a line was removed form is restored.
(It is simply paste)

4.3. Allow Key
Editing operation by the combination of Allow key and Option, Command key.
Option key+ Left Cursor, to the left of 1 word.
Option key+ Right Cursor, to the right of 1 word.
Command key+ Left Cursor, to the left of the line.
Command key+ Right Cursor, to the right of the line.
Option key+ Command key+ Left A one character scroll left.
Option key+ Command key+ Right A one character scroll right.
Option key+ Up A one line scroll up.
Option key+ Down A one line scroll down.
Command key+ Up Cursor, to the one page up.
Command key+ Down Cursor, to the one page down.
Option key+ Command key+ Up Cursor, to the top of the lines.
Option key+ Command key+ Down Cursor, to the bottom of the lines.
When a Shift key is pushed and operated, a string is chosen.

4.4. Other key
Enter key A page feed code, a column feed code is inserted.
Shift + Delete key One character on right of the cursor position is removed.

5. Before use of this software
The copyright of the software (the following "this software" that it is attached to this assent document) belong to the author.
Without author's permission, A part or all of this software can't be changed.
An author doesn't assume all responsibility against any damage which arose by the use of this software.
It isn't assured that there is no problem, no error in this software.
Distributing the thing that modification was added to contents of file composition of this software and so on is prohibited.

(Author): Michiaki Yamashita
(Zip code): 112-0012
(Address): 702, Otsuka 3-9-6, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(Fax): (81) 3-3943-7621

6. Modification Historys

Version 2.0.1 2000.01.15
1. Color Variation add Graphite color
2. It copes with Contextual Menus
3. Smart scrolling sizes the scroll box according to the windows view.
4. It copes with vertical writing view (Show Magical View)
5. Using CodeWarrior Pro5.3 + PowerPlant 2.0

Version 1.2 1999.02.11
1. Color Variation set up for Preferences dialog
2. Using CodeWarrior Pro 4.1 + PowerPlant 1.9.3

Version 1.1.2 1998.12.15
First release of English version.

Original file name: iText Manual - converted on Saturday, 11 March 2000, 02:37

This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters