A product of Next Wave Software, Inc.
Version 2.5 Users Manual
About Burn
No data security system would be complete without a
way to destroy the
original versions of a file after they are encrypted.
Burn provides exactly
that function. It is a drag-and-drop application under
system 7. Files and
folders dragged onto the Burn icon will be overwritten
a user selected
number of times with a user selected pattern, then renamed,
then deleted.
Both data and resource forks are deleted.
A variety of options allow you to configure the application
to exactly the
ease of use and security you need. No matter what options
you select, your
trash will be far more secure than if you used Apple's
built in trash
This application is not a replacement for the Macintosh
Trash. You should
continue to drag unimportant documents and applications
to the trash can.
When you drag a file to the Burn icon it will be irretrievably
System Requirements
This application requires System 7, about 200k of disk
space, and 400k of
RAM. If you still use System 6 contact the author for
a version compatible
with your operating system.
What's new in version 2.5
Fixed a bug where free space was not fully erased on
volumes with more than
2 gigabytes of free space.
Fully tested and compatible with Mac OS 8.5 and the
new Mac OS Extended file
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Burn is (c) 1993-1998 by Next Wave Software, Inc.
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