by Laurent Colson
Music Math is a freeware which convert values for musical use. You can calculate the time stretching to use on a sample if you change the tempo for another, or the number of semi-tone to transpose, the time stretching to apply if you transpose a sample and you don't want to change the duration, the delay in ms to synchronise with BPM, and a tap delay functiun. Tap the beat on you keyboard, and the software tell you what is your tempo (you can calculate the rhythm of your heart too, but it's not the real use !).
version history
New In Music Math 2.1
- Freq module added to convert BPM to hertz.
- Tempo value is the same for all tempo parameters.
- Tap Tempo calculate the tempo after the first tap,
but estimate real value after 8 taps.
- Windows positions are keeping between opening/closing
- PPC code added with 68 k (FAT).
New In Music Math 2.0.1
- Enlarged tempo box for people working with decimal
values (isn't it Kevan ?)
- Bug fix with application icons.
This freeware and others can be downloaded at MacMusic
french version at :
You will also find a lot of FREE resources at :
Enjoy !
The MacMusic Team
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