or... Mrs. Marciniak wins a Saw Horse
1. Just what is this GURU thing?
GURU is an acronym. It stands for GUide to Ram Upgrades. It is an application which provides you with information concerning the Memory upgrades that are possible for every model of Macintosh that has ever been made. It also includes memory information on all Apple LaserWriter printers and many of the Macintosh clone computers. When we say information on memory we aren't just talking about some single wimpy kind of RAM. Oh no, we're talking about things like DRAM, VRAM, EDO, FPM, SDRAM, PSDRAM, SGRAM, Static RAM, & FRAM. Wait, doesn't FRAM make oil and air filters?
2. Okay, what will this little jewel cost me?
Zip. Nada. Nothing. Zero. We give GURU away for two purposes. It is a public service project and it serves as a low-key commercial. We genuinely feel that an informed buyer is a better buyer. Please use this software to your heart's content. Also, feel free to pass it along to your friends.
3. Can I customize GURU? What is this I hear about the Floating Palette being scalable?
The GURU data files are in a separate folder in your main GURU folder. You may remove any machine families you are not interested in from the GURU Data Folder and they will no longer appear in GURU's Floating Palette.
In addition, the machine listing order on the floating palette is based on an ASCII sort of the file names in the GURU Data Files directory. You will notice that there are spaces in front of some of the file names that force those family names to appear farther up on the palette. You can modify the order by adding or removing the spaces or other characters from the file names. (NOTE: Changing the file names WILL NOT change the names that appear on the floating palette.)
4. Isn't GURU supposed to talk? What, when, where, and how do I make that happen?
Good question. GURU has the ability to talk when you're in the glossary section. You must have an appropriate version of Apple's Text to Speech software in your System folder. In older versions of System 7 that means MacinTalk and in the newer version of the Operating System it means the Speech Manager. I don't have all the details...I'm just supposed to write the FAQ but nobody ever tells me anything. Just put that speech stuff into your System Folder and you'll be ready. When you're in the Glossary you will notice a small "talking head" icon. If you click on the talking head it will read aloud the contents of the definition you have chosen.
5. When will GURU be updated next?
As a general rule we update GURU for the MacWorld trade shows in August and January. If there are a plethora of portables, or a myriad of desktop machines released between these times we generally create a new version. Did you like how we used plethora and myriad in a single sentence?
6. Where do I get the latest version of GURU?
The easiest place is NewerRAM's Web Site at or Newer Technology's web site at It is entirely possible that the people you associate with on a daily basis already have GURU and that is why they seem so knowledgeable. Ask might be surprised.
7. Why do you say you can put more RAM in some machines than Apple does?
Would you believe us if we said it is because we're so incredibly smart? Okay, how about this... If, when a new computer is released, Apple hasn't had a chance to do extensive testing with high density memory configurations they will take the highest density setup they have worked with and say that it is the maximum RAM configuration. This is a safe policy to follow but it inevitably causes confusion when memory vendors and dealers state that a computer will hold twice as much RAM as Apple says it will. This problem will exist for all time.
8. Is GURU 100% free of mistakes?
Yes. No! Hold it...I mean Yes!. Well, it is possible there are a few mistakes. We take great care to make GURU accurate. If you feel you've found a mistake please be kind enough to send e-mail and point it out. Remember...we're human, so don't be mean to us or you'll hurt our feelings. Send only nice messages wherein you indicate mistakes and/or offer constructive criticism. Please direct e-mail to "". If you're really nice we might send you e-mail back.
9. I'm putting a CD-ROM together. Can I put GURU on it?
Absolutely, sort of! We require you to contact us first and let us know what you are doing. If you wish to place GURU on your CD-ROM please contact Roger Kasten at Newer Technology. He may be reached via e-mail at "". He may also be reached by fax at 316-943-4515.
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