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Abacus A package consisting of both an Abacus software and an interactive tutorial on how to calculate using an abacus. Read me file (68k and PPC, anyware or at least emailware). Screenshot of the software. Homepage. |
Abacus (1.3 MB) |
Acta Classic A wonderful outliner that could be used for reorganising, planning etc. (with support for images and sounds) (both 68k and PPC) |
(140 K) Read more about this |
Acta Classic Patch Patch for Acta Classic 1.0 for Kanji or Japanese systems |
Download |
ADE-4 An extensive package of modules for advanced statistical analyses, and ecological modelling, with a HyperCard based interface available. (Ecological Data Analysis) Go to the homepage for more information (tutorials or more modules). |
ADE-4 (PPC and 68k) |
AppleTree An application for fitting multinomial models to frequency data, based on the "General Processing Tree" algorithm proposed by Hu and Batchelder (1994). More information (PPC and 68020). Screenshot (main window, graph editor). |
AppleTree 1.3.4 (1.1 MB) |
AreaCodes and ZIPCodes Require FileMakerPro (AreaCodes, ZIPCodes), Standalone application (AreaCodes, ZIPCodes; poor connection). Database of area codes and ZIP codes for US and Canada. Read me file. Homepage (bottom of page) |
Require FileMakerPro (AreaCodes, ZIPCodes) |
Asset Trustee Keeps track of the assets (eg. hardware) on your computer network (freeware version is limited to 10 users). It has an automated data collection, relational database and scalable architecture. Asset Collector (PPC only, MacOS 8.1 or later). Asset Trustee (68k and PPC, OS 7.1.2). Homepage (registration required). |
Asset Trustee (9 MB) |
Astrolog An astrology software that is available for multiple platforms, and has lots of features. Read me file (PPC and 68k). Homepage. |
Astrolog 5.4 (722 KB) |
Barcode (UPCA) Supports all the industry standard code types (over 120 types), so never be stuck to make a code. It also supports all the other types you may wish for, categories include codes for Medical, Industrial, Retail, Publishing and many others. Screenshot. Homepage. You can also obtain more information about the type of barcodes that this software can generate from the homepage link. PPC or 68k (MacOS 7.1 or later), registration required. |
Barcode (UPCA) 9.0.2 (609 KB) |
BibGene BibGene is a BibTeX-compatible Macintosh application for maintaining databases of references to scientific papers. BibGene was designed with two purposes:(1) To maintain BibTeX information in a cross-linked object-oriented format which makes it easier to detect and correct common mistakes such as multiple spellings of an author's or journal's name. (2) To provide a way to store information that does not fit well into the BibTeX framework, such as citations from one paper to another, pointers to online preprints, and author addresses. Read me file (PPC only). Screenshot. Homepage. There is also an unsupported 68k version here. A brief manual is also available. |
BibGene 1.2.1 (312 KB) |
Biblioteca A Hypercard application to keep track of your books and journals (PPC and 68k). Read me file |
Biblioteca 1.0 (820 K) |
Brailler If ever you need to write something in Braille, use this freeware. Screenshot. |
Brailler 0.61 (54 KB) |
Chime Use this internet browser plugin to present your ISIS/Draw 3D graphics. Homepage. |
Chime 2.0a PPC (1.3 MB) |
Clip Snippel Manage your text clips with this great freeware. You can create multiple folders, and keep all relevant text clippings. And with Clip Snippel, you can have easy access to all. Read me file. Screenshot. Homepage. |
Clip Snippel PPC (636 KB), 68k (442 KB) |
Complete Suite A sleek and versatile hypercard stack to help you out in your essential calculations eg. amortization, interest rates etc (check the out screenshot). Requires Hypercard Player (probably in your Apple Extras folder) or you can look for it here. Homepage (for more stacks, from baseball statistics to retirement kit). |
Complete Suite 2.3.5 (292 KB) |
Cutout A planning program. It allows the user to easily enter, move and modify objects on the screen (PPC and 68k). Read me file. Screenshot. Visit homepage for more information. |
Cutout 2.5 (419 KB) |
Darwin OS This is MacOS X without the GUI. (ps: Only for those who know what they are doing) |
Darwin OS 1.0.2 (139 MB or 5 parts of 28 MB each) |
Data Chef A hypercard stack that acts as a database for your cooking recipes. Screenshot of main card, and entry card. |
Data Chef 2.1a (462 KB) |
data Thief II A program to reverse engineer a set of data from a given plot in a magazine or journal. This program gives you the opportunity to incorporate somebody else's data points in your plots. This comes in very handy when for instance. you would like to compare your data with the data in a published article for which you don't have the data in table format. Screenshot. Homepage. |
data Thief II PPC (512 KB), 68k (479 KB) |
EagleData A freeware to create simple and flexible databases. Import and export options as tab-text and HTML table is available. Read me file (PPC). Screenshots of initial field specification window, layout window, and final database window. Homepage. |
EagleData (492 KB) |
FCSM Artist A Macintosh application to analyse flow-cytometry data (PPC and 68k). Screenshot. Homepage for latest developments. |
FCSM Artist 0.42d02 (FAT) (540 KB) |
FileWave Manages software on your network (freeware limited to 10 users). Has automated software distribution etc. Read me file. Server (PPC and MacOS 8.1). Client or user (68k or PPC, OS 7.1.2). Homepage (registration required). |
FileWave (7.3 MB) |
First Class Gradebook A relational database engine for exceptional flexibility and speed. Tracks a virtually unlimited number of students, assignments, and grades |
(1.9 MB) Read me file |
Flashcard Wizard--16th Jan 2001 Flashcard Wizard is a powerful flashcard study environment. Besides the ability to practice flashcards with 2 or 3 fields of information, these fields may include pictures and non-roman text for language study. Flashcard Wizard's most unique and useful functions, however, come from its "Interval Study" features. Interval study helps you in review of your material by choosing only those words for review which are likely to be soon forgotten. Read me file (PPC, 68k, OS 7.5 or later, although freeware, registration is welcome). Screenshots of making a flashcard, and a finished product. Homepage (more screenshots are available here). |
Flashcard Wizard 1.2 (2.7 MB) |
Framewright Tool for the creation of frame plug-ins to be used with PandoFrame 3.0 or greater. It enables you to custom create your own picture frames! Click here for more information. |
Framewright 1.0 (209 KB) |
GlideHack Performs some special effects with a 3Dfx card by interposing itself between the Glide library and its clients. Read me file. Homepage. |
GlideHack 1.2 (48 KB) |
GPower Performs high-precision statistical power analyses for the most common statistical tests in behavioral research, that is, t-, F-, and Chi2-tests. The power values obtained by "accuracy mode" calculations of G Power are correct up to five significant digits at least. Read me file (PPC and 68k). Screenshot of tests available, and graphing window. Homepage. |
G Power 2.1.2 (330 KB) |
Graf A 2D (for now) plotting program that can read just about any TEXT file and make a plot from it. It is an interpreter, and it reads through the text file line by line and looks for numbers. It simply ignores text that it doesn't understand. Graf uses a large text file editing engine so large data sets can be parsed, and it can have as many windows for plots or data as allowed by memory. Graf also performs some simple statistics such as curve fitting and histograms etc. It is intended primarily for scientific plots. More information here . Screenshots (input window, statistics window, graph window) |
Graf 2.7.4 PPC (295 KB), 68k is here (219 KB), example files (very useful) is here (99 KB) |
GraphClick Extract data from figures (graphs) through the clipboard. Screenshot. Homepage. |
GraphClick PPC (115 KB), 68k |
HexKey A programming tool where if you enter a hex or decimal value, the number will be converted to its appropriate form in FOND, Fixed and Fract decimal. Read me file. Screenshot. |
Hex Key (130 KB) |
iBuild Lite iBuild is a powerful and easy-to-use multimedia authoring and creativity tool for the Apple Macintosh. Think of it as a modern Hypercard. With this version, you can make a stack of no more than 25 cards. If you like this software, and want to create larger stacks, a registration key will unlock the lite version. Read me file (MacOS 8.1 and later). Screenshots of main design environment, cards manager, properties, commands, and options available.Homepage. |
iBuild Lite (2.7 MB) |
ImageSXM The NIH Image extended to handle loading, display and analysis of scanning microscope images. Screenshot. |
ImageSXM (3 MB) |
iShell An authoring and development platform that you can use to create multimedia projects,Using iShell's drag & drop authoring environment, you can produce complex, interactive media-rich applications without writing a single line of code. Similar to such authoring tools as Macromedia Director and Adobe's GoLive Cyberstudio (PPC only). Screenshot of tool bars available. Homepage. Registration is required, and license is given per project (not much of a hassle, and lots of tutorial files available). |
iShell 1.2 (1.2 MB) |
ISIS/Draw Draw chemical structures and reactions using this software. Free for academic and personal use. Screenshot. Homepage. |
ISIS/Draw 2.2.1 (3.1 MB) |
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