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A full featured word processor that is offered free to any Mac user. It has everything, HTML export, equation, table tools, the powerful macros etc. It also has both sound and graphic support where you can embed sound, or even have Nisus read to you. It handles drawings and graphics with much more elegance than any other word processor that i have used before (imho). It basically looks like this.
It is powerful and has lots of features that are all customizable through floating tool bars.
To gain the most from any application, a good manual is needed, and recently 'The Nisus Way' has been rereleased as a HTML book (viewable using a normal web browser). You can read it online or download the whole book from this website. Some macros and goodies are also available.
And finally for those who prefer something lighter, do consider Nisus Compact, also currently available free from Nisus.
The whole Nisus Compact package can fit into one floppy disk!
PS: This is my first webpage i made that iCab smiled upon! :-)
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