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I know that most Mac users know how to increase an application's memory, but i hope that this tutorial would be of benefit to new Mac users. Increasing an application's memory allocation could bring about faster performance, and less frequent 'Not enough memory' messages. The rule of thumb that i use is usually increasing the allocated memory by 1 MB. But for graphic intensive applications, the allocation increase is in accordance with the file size. From MacOS X onwards, there will no longer be any need to do all this as MacOS X has a more superior memory management system.
In an application folder, find the application icon (double clicking it will start up the application). Make sure it is not an alias of the application icon (an alias can be identified as its name is in italics). See the example below.
Select the application icon
Type command key + i to get the application information. This is also accessible from the menu. In MacOS 8.1, you should see three fields with numbers (screenshot of MacOS Japanese version).
Increase the memory in the last field accordingly.
For those using MacOS 8.5 and later, you should select the memory from a list bar that looks like this.
I am not familiar with the workings of MacOS 9.0. If it is different from what is written here, i would be grateful, if you could either tell me, post it on the bulletin board, send me your own tutorial plus screenshots. I will also be grateful if anyone with screenshots of MacOS (US or international versions), MacOS 8.5 etc could share them with the readers here.
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