Voice-controlled Macintosh Finder v.1.8 *


This package contains AppleScript scripts that I have
developed to enable voice-control of many Macintosh Finder functions.
These scripts extend and in some cases replace scripts provided with the
PlainTalk speech recognition software from Apple Computer.

For more information on these AppleScript scripts and other software I have
developed, or for questions, comments, and feedback contact:

Dave Miller

Last modified November 22, 1999

* Terms of use

The software is provided free for your use. You can distribute this
software, but you must distribute it for free, unmodified, and you must
include this ReadMe file. Contact me first before distributing these
scripts in connection with any product, CD-ROM, book, on-line service
or any other kind of commercial or mass distribution.

If you find this software useful, consider donating some time, energy,
money, or equipment to a local special education program or try, in some
way, to make technology more accessible to humans. This software is
provided as is, without any warranties expressed or implied. Use at your
own risk. All materials copyright 1996, 1999, Dave Miller, all rights
reserved, except certain trade marks, registered trade marks, icons or
other materials which are copyright of their respective holders and are
used without intent to infringe. Phew!

* What you need to use these scripts as spoken commands

To use these scripts you will need:

-A Macintosh PowerPC computer

-16-bit audio

-The microphone included with most Macs, or other sound input device

-PlainTalk speech recognition software

-System 8.5.1 or later

These scripts can also be used alone, without PlainTalk speech recognition.
Some of these scripts should run under System 8.1 but have not been
extensively tested. Users of System 7.5 can still use Voice-controlled Finder 1.6.

* How to install

These files are provided in binhexed, Stuff-It archives separately or as a package


After unstuffing, drop the files or create aliases and drop them into
the Speakable Items folder in the Apple Menu Items folder on your
Macintosh. Speaking the file name will launch the file. See the
PlainTalk Speech Recognition software for more details.

To remove any file, drag it out of the Speakable Items folder.

If the script file name conflicts with other items in your Speakable
Items folder, rename the script file.

You can also double-click the script icon to run the script. Some of the
scripts are droplets.

* Using PlainTalk Speech Recognition

You can find out more about using PlainTalk speech recognition
software at http://www.apple.com/macos/speech/.

Some tips for using speech recognition on the Macintosh:

-Use a fast PowerPC processor

-Reserve 16 MB RAM for system software

-Use in a quiet environment

-Try to make spoken commands phonetically distinct

-In the Speakable Items folder, spell the speakable commands phonetically

-Speak directly into the microphone and enunciate clearly

-Place microphone about a foot or two from your mouth

-Adjust sound input gain if you need to

* General Notes and Caveats

These scripts are designed to help reduce mouse actions when using the
Finder. They are not designed to replace using a mouse, but they should
be useful for anyone wishing to reduce reliance on the mouse to
accomplish Finder tasks. Using these voice commands and Finder keyboard
shortcuts can reduce mouse actions considerably, although tasks such as making
selections of multiple Finder items are still mouse-based.

These scripts are also designed to run on basic minimum PlainTalk setup
in System 8.5.1 and above. They do not require any third-party scripting
additions, or programs such as FaceSpan, PreFab Player, QuicKeys, and
Frontier. These additional programs can greatly improve scripting
functionality on the Mac with access to menu items, keyboard input, an
enhanced interface, and other features.

If one of these commands is invoked by mistake or conflicts with an
existing command, try changing the name of the item in the Speakable
Items folder.

I use these scripts daily at home and work, but they have not been
tested extensively on a wide range of systems. I'd be interested in any
comments, questions, or feedback.

Send questions, comments, and feedback to davem@pangea.stanford.edu
All materials, copyright 1996, 1999 Dave Miller, all rights reserved, unless
otherwise noted.

* Contents of Voice-controlled Finder v1.8
* - requires System 8.5.1 or higher ** - requires System 8.6 or higher

Window Commands
Arrange Windows
Arrange Windows and Size
Arrange Windows Sort and Size
Tile Windows
Get Finder Window*
Get Finder Window & Collapse*
Get Rear Window
Close Frontmost Window
Close Finder Window*
Container of Window
Collapse Frontmost Window
Expand Frontmost Window
Collapse Window*
Expand Window*
Collapse Every Window
Expand Every Window
UnZoom All Windows
Zoom All Windows
Clean Up Window
Set View*
Set All Views**
Grow Frontmost Window
Shrink Frontmost Window
Grow Window*
Shrink Window*
Grow Window Vertical
Grow Window Right
Shrink Window Vertical
Shrink Window Left
Frontmost Window Down
Frontmost Window Up
Frontmost Window Left
Frontmost Window Right
Window Down*
Window Up*
Window Left*
Window Right*
All Windows Down
All Windows Up
All Windows Left
All Windows Right
Do with Every Window
Finder Workspace

Files,Folders, and Disks
Browse File
Browse Folder
Get Favorites*
Get Recent Applications*
Get Recent Documents*
Get Recent Servers*
Clear Recent Applications
Clear Recent Documents
Clear Recent Servers
Open Special Folder*
Collapse Folders
Collapse Every Folder
Expand Folders
Expand Every Folder
Folder to Window
Make New Folder
Copy To Speakable
Copy Selection
Dooplicate Selection
Move Selection
Open Selection Using
Speak Get Info
Eject All Disks
Unmount All Network Volumes

Add File to Selection
Add Folder to Selection
Remove File from Selection
Remove Folder from Selection
Deselect All
Select All
Invert Selection
Select By File Name
Select By Property
Save Selection

Finder to Front
Get Application

Original file name: voice_control_finder_readme.txt - converted on Friday, 3 December 1999, 20:57

This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters