Analog is a WWW logfile analysis program. It has the following advantages over other similar programs.

* It's fast... Very fast.
* It's easy to install and run.
* It's very flexible. The default output will be satisfactory for most people, but there are over 180 options producing 17 different reports for those who want to do things differently.
* It produces attractive output that complies with the HTML spec (so it can be
read on any Web browser).
* It can output in 18 different languages, and 3 output formats.
* It understands WebStar, Quid Pro Quo, Boulevard, MacHTTP, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Apple Share IP 5.0, and NetPresenz log formats as well as the common log file format, NCSA old-style format and the NCSA/Apache auxilary and combined log files.
* It should work on any Macintosh, and versions are also available for Unix, DOS/Windows, and VMS.
* And it's free (under the conditions of the licence).

New in 2.1.1e: Speed up from 15% to 30% on PPC. Now minimaly AppleScript compatable. Added langague files for Brazilian Portugese, (European) Portugese, Czech, Hungarian, and Polish.

New in 2.1.1d: Fixed a bug where Analog would hang after saying it was done on larger log files. Fixed a bug where quote characters would appear in browser name entries from WebSTAR 2.1's new log tokens.

This is a port of Analog 2.11 to the Macintosh. It does not support a Macintosh
style user interface, Unix command line options or the Analog form cgi. Configuration is done in the analog.cfg and manconf.cfg files. See the Readme.html file for more information on the settings in these files. Please note that the Readme.html file is primarily aimed at Unix users. On Unix it is often easier to recompile or use command line options than anything else. The Mac version uses the configuration file commands and does not require you to recompile anything, although you can if you get the source code and have Metrowerks Codewarrior. On the Mac the primary means of configuring the program is to edit the analog.cfg and manconf.cfg files. Instructions for the commands in these files are in the Readme.html file.

Analog for the Macintosh assumes that you are processing WebSTAR log files by default. Since it is not yet a completly native Macintosh program, there is no standard file dialog for opening log files. Analog assumes that the log file you want to process is called WebSTAR.log and is in the same folder as the Analog program. Alternatively you can drag and drop a single log file on the Analog application.

If you are using logs that were not created by WebSTAR you can either rename the log file, or change the setting for LOGFILE in the analog.cfg file (it is right near the top). The LOGFILE and OUTFILE settings can both be full path names, just put the file name in quotes, for example OUTFILE "Hard disk:WebSTAR:analog report.html". You can also specify a list of log files for input seperated by commas, or use wildcards. For example LOGFILE "::*.log" will read all of the files that end in ".log" in the folder above the folder Analog is in. There is more information about the settings you can make in the analog.cfg and manconf.cfg files in Readme.html.

You can drag and drop a configuration file or a log file on the Analog program. Note that only ONE log file can be processed in this way, if you drop multipule log files only the first will be processed. If the file starts with a '#' it is assumed to be a configuration file. This also allows a minimum level of Apple Script support.

If you get an out of memory message when running Analog, you should increase the memory allocation in the Get Info dialog box. Analog should be able to handle several megabyte log files as it is. Most log files of any size will work when Analog is given 6 megabytes of memory. In some cases when there are a very large number of distinct hosts Analog my require large amounts of memory (12Meg or perhaps much more).

Support for WebStar Enhanced log files (WebStar version 1.2.1 or higher) requires that you include at least the following fields:
It will also read BYTES-SENT, BYTES, TIME, RESULT, AGENT, REFERER and CS-STATUS, if present, to provide additional information or reports. Order should not matter, and additional fields will be ignored. Analog parses the field order from additional information in the log file provided by WebSTAR 1.2.1 or higher. The WebSTAR DNS lookup option is not required, if it is off you will just get the IP numbers in the reports instead of the host names, unless you set NUMLOOKUP to ON in analog.cfg, in which case Analog will do the DNS lookups. WebSTAR 2.X Extended Log Format is not supported.

NetPresenz log files can now be read thanks to Nigel Perry ( with help from Peter Lewis. Processing NetPresenz log files changes the meaning or behavior of some Analogs reports. With NetPresenz the browser summary and detail reports do not contain information on browsers since NetPresenz does not record that information. Instead the browser report is used to report on the distribution of access between HTTP (web browsers), Gopher, and FTP. The browser detail report will further break FTP access down by user name. NetPresenz does not report the number of bytes transfered, so sorting by bytes transfered is suppressed and the bytes and %bytes columns will be blank if displayed.

Boulevard should be configured to produce Common Log Format or Common Log Format plus Referrer and User Agent (in that order).

Analog now reads GZip (.gz) files automaticaly. People downloading logs from Unix machines will probably want to compress the log on the Unix machine, and Analog can then read that file directly. Mac users might also want to compress their log files to save disk space, this can be done with a program like MacGZip, available from InfoMac and other places. GZip file reading based the ZLib library from Jean-loup Gailly ( and Mark Adler ( The zlib home page is

If the report created by Analog does not show anything except a small header and there are a large number of courupt log file entries, Analog is probably failing to recognize that your log file is a WebSTAR log file. In order to read WebSTAR log files Analog looks for a line that starts with "!!LOG_FORMAT" followed by a list of fields seperated by spaces. Versions of WebSTAR prior to 1.2.1 do not have this line, and so cannot be read.

Analog will automaticaly exit when processing is complete, unless there were warning messages. If you want Analog to always exit, set WARNINGS to OFF in analog.cfg. This is handy if you have set up Analog to run periodicaly on your server machine. Be carefull when using this option, since it is impossible to see most error messages in this mode.

For more information on Analog see the Readme.html file or

For the latest information about and updates to the Mac version check

Program by:
Stephen R. E. Turner
University of Cambridge Statistical Laboratory

Macintosh port by
Jason T. Linhart

Original file name: Macintosh ReadMe - converted on Monday, 13 September 1999, 22:54

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